Monday 31 October 2016

Experience supernatural peace.

  • Is. 66:12 “For this is what the LORD says: "I will extend peace to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees.

1. Trust the Lord to extend his healing and peace to you, all that is yours and EP family like a river. 

2. Where there have been droughts, challenges, chaos; pray that you and every EP member will experience the Lord's 'Shalom' (peace that surpass human understanding).

3. Pray, that this season, 'the wealth of nations' will be extended to you and to EP like a stream. (Is. 60:11-18)

4. Pray that your life will both experience and signpost the signs and wonders of Jesus. (Ps. 71:7; John 12:9)

As we begin to wait on the Lord in fasting and prayer for 3 days this month (1st-3rd November) we want you to trust the Lord that you will have a new experience. 

Our prayerline team are also on standby if you require support.

Please dial in to our online prayer-room at 9pm on Thursday, 3rd November; as we conclude the 3-day fast with corporate praying. (Dial-in details are: 03306060182; access code: 562017#)

God bless you .