Saturday 30 September 2017

EP Daily Prayer Guide | October 2017

“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings. Do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited. “Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; Neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame; For you will forget the shame of your youth, and will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore. Isaiah 54:2-4

Day 1:
Psalm 103:1-5; Matt. 6:10; Isaiah 43:19; 40: 28-31; Gen. 21:19; 2 Kings 6:1; 16-17; Is. 42:16; Ephesians 1:18.
  • Praise and thank God for the new things He is doing amongst the Equipping People. Thank Him for the lives and the testimonies of our members.
  • Pray that the kingdom of God will come in this nation and His will shall be done. Pray for forgiveness in any area we might have disobeyed His word as individuals, families, corporate bodies and as a nation.
  • Cover every member of EP with the blood of Jesus and pray that as we wait upon the Lord this month; our strength will be renewed and we will not be weary.
  • Fullness of the Spirit and manifestation of the Gifts and the Fruit of the Spirit in your life.
  • Speak to every creative ability and gift inside you to begin to manifest for your enlargement. Ask for the anointing for divine creativity and expansion to come upon your life and upon EP.
  • Pray for the mind of Christ; to see through God’s eyes; and divine direction so that we may expressly hear God’s mind and possess our possession.
  • Ask the Lord to fulfil Isaiah 41:18
  • Pray for the NCC General Overseer for wisdom, clarity of vision and increase in anointing.

Day 2:
Isaiah 54:2-5Gen. 18:17-18; 2 Kings 3:11; Gen. 15:1-6; Isaiah 30: 21; 40:31; 54: 2- 3;
  • Rebuke every spirit of ‘containment’ over your life, career and over Equipping People as a ministry.
  • Ask the Lord to give our Pastors Akinola & Yinka wisdom and clarity of vision for the work of the ministry. Ask the Lord to give you a willing heart, strength and the ability and resources to support the EP vision and to support the ministry of our Pastors.
  • Pray that the leaders in EP will operate in divine wisdom, revelation and divine enablement. Psalms 80:17; 104:4; Acts 4:29-34; Ephesians 6:19-20
  • Declare that EP will expand to the left and right and nothing will stand in our way. Declare that outstanding promises of God will be established upon our life as a ministry.
  • Ask God to enlarge your vision. Ask the Holy Spirit to break every limitation and small mindedness. Profess the eyes of your heart to be flooded with the light of the Holy Spirit.
  • Pray that you will exceed your limits and maximise your potentials.
  • Declare that the EU and the United Kingdom is for Christ alone.

Day 3:
Isaiah 54:2-5; Matt. 9:35-38; 28:19-20; Phil. 4:13; Isaiah 40:31; Rev. 5:9
  • Pray that every EP member will have a heart for missions and outreaches and to see many people saved and added to God’s kingdom. Pray that God will send ‘labourers’ from and ‘builders’ to EP as we make His business our business.
  • Ask the Lord to fulfil Isaiah 55:5 concerning EP.
  • Ask God to renew your strength continuously as you wait on Him and the grace to partner with him, that you will do nothing in your own strength.
  • Pray for numerical growth in EP and in NCC globally. Pray that as a church, we will experience multiplication and increase in Jesus name.
  • Believe the Lord for the ‘greatness’ in you to become unshackled from mediocrity, fear or unbelief (Judges 6:12-14)
  • Believe the Lord for a purpose-driven mindset; a vision-fulfilling mentality and limits-defying abilities.
  • Pray that every tribe and tongue in your neighbourhood and in the UK will bow to the Lordship of the Lord Jesus.

 Day 4:
Prov. 13:44; Deuteronomy 1:6-8; Gen. 30:30; Phil. 3:13-14; Isaiah 54:1-4
  • Pray that righteousness will prevail in our nation
  • Pray for hunger to desire more of God, and to step out of your spiritual comfort zone. Ask the Lord to take you out of the ‘shallow end’ of the pool of your walk with Him to a deeper end
  • Ask God to ignite a fresh desire for soul winning among members of Equipping People.
  • Pray for multi-racial increase in EP. Pray for wisdom for our Colleges Outreach Team.

Day 5:
Numbers 13:33; 17:1-11; 2 Kings 4:1-7; Isaiah 54:2; 2 Sam. 23:33; Isaiah 45:1-5
  • Rebuke small-mindedness and ask the Lord to give you boldness to invigorate your creativity, stretch limits and fulfil potentials. Pray to wholly commit to the vision of God in EP.
  • Ask the Lord for the sensitivity, the spontaneity, the wisdom and the creativity to exceed spiritual, mental, relational and economic limits. (Isaiah 54:2)
  • Ask the Lord to infuse the leaders at EP and in the larger NCC with His strength, to operate in the power of His might. Cover them and their household with the precious blood of Jesus.
  • Ask the Lord to uphold Pastor Akinola & Yinka’s hands, subdue nations before them and usher them into a deeper level of His revelation and anointing.

Day 6:
Isaiah 54:1-4; Psalm 42:1-2; 1 Chronicles. 4:9-11; 1 Tim.2:1-2
  • Declare that EP will experience joy and laughter in this season and beyond. Pray for true spiritual growth and maturity in every member. Declare that the set time to favour us all is now.
  • Pray for significant hunger for God in the life of every member of EP and NCC in UK
  • Pray for the divine manifestation of God promises in your life and in EP: Numbers 23:19-21; Psalm 119:28,38,49,58,65,76,116; Ps. 107:20; 130:5; Isaiah 55:11; Rev. 12:11
  • Pray that you will experience enlargement in every area of your life.
  • Pray for the Prime Minister and our political leaders; that godliness will reign in their lives.

 Day 7:
Isaiah 54:2-4; Isaiah 49:19-20; 60:1-3; Ezra 8:21-23; Eph. 3:10; Luke 10:1-20
  • Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and the grace to maximise values, relationships, opportunities and potentials.
  • Ask the Lord to inspire you with a multi-generational vision and an enlarged network of positive influence and greatness.
  • Pray for God's hand upon His Church and the NCC in the UK.
  • Pray for access to plant ‘Equipping Centres’ (Cell Groups) on university campuses and all over London.
  • Pray for creativity for EP’s Media Team. (Si-Motion)

 Day 8:
Phil. 4:13; Psalm 91; 1 Cor. 4:20, Acts 4:33, Acts 5:15-16; John 14:13; Psalm. 122:6
  • Pray for the revelation to look up to God, to think deep and to dream big. Pray for every member of EP to stretch beyond their limits.
  • Ask God to keep you from evil and protect you and members of your family. Come against sickness and disease in every area of your life – spirit, soul, body. Luke 8: 40-48; Acts 3:1-10; Rev 22:1-2
  • Ask for God's hand to be on our Pastors. Pray for the demonstration of God's power through their ministry. Ask that signs and wonders will follow their ministry and it shall be evident in the lives of EP members.
  • Pray for peace in your community and in the UK.

 Day 9:
Isaiah 49:15-17; Ex.14:1-15:4; Is. 41:11-12; Psalm. 19:12-13; Luke 5:1-6; Isaiah 41:13; Zech 4:6-9; Ezekiel 37:1-14
  • Ask the Lord to remember you and the rest of His people in EP with compassion.
  • Pray that He will have victory over the challenges and the enemies of His people
  • Pray to experience unprecedented favour of relevant and instrumental people or organisations. Command abandoned dreams and visions to become revived
  • Pray for Revds. Paul & Kate Jinadu; for strength and global vision.
  • Pray for EP G3NESIS & ACTZ 29 teams

Day 10:
1 Tim. 2:1-3; Isaiah 42:1-4; Matt. 22:37; 2 Cor. 9:6-10
  • Ask for God's hand to rest upon EP leaders, and other NCC leaders; that they will operate in His wisdom.
  • Ask God to guide them always as they lead their members into his will.  Pray for their protection and peace.
  • Ask the Lord for the desire to be a giver. Ask the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive to His leading and for the grace simply to obey Him no matter the cost.
  • Ask the Lord to open your eyes to see the opportunities to give to Him and to others. Ask him to increase your resources and to make you ready to be a blessing at all times.
  • Pray for members of EP-Chords and band.

Day 11:
Isaiah 54:2-5; 55:5; 60:1-3; Matt. 5:13; Isaiah 2:2-3; Psalm 75:5; Daniel 4:6
  • Pray that God will increase the influence of EP in the Streatham community and throughout the world. Ask the Lord to fulfil Isaiah 41:18 in EP.
  • Ask God to increase your influence and affluence in every area of your life and the people He has called you to. Ask the Lord to enlarge your territory.       
  • Ask God to raise righteous leaders to rule the United Kingdom and replace those who refuse to honour Him.

Day 12:
Acts 2:46-47; Matthew 16:18, Jeremiah 30:19; Micah 2:13; Isaiah 45:2; Gen. 35:11
  • Pray for numerical growth in EP and in NCC globally. Pray that as a church, we will experience multiplication and increase in Jesus name.
  • Come against every spirit of containment over your life and over EP. Decree growth and multiplication over your life, your family and EP as a spiritual body.  Pray for signs and wonders in your life and in EP.
  • Declare that you will multiply, nations shall come out of you and your children shall reign as kings and queens on earth.
  • Pray for the divine manifestation of God promises in your life/EP: Numbers 23:19-21; Psalm 119:28,38,49,58,65,76,116; Psalm 107:20; 130:5; Isaiah 55:11; Rev. 12:11

Day 13:
Ephesians 1:17-20; Gen. 39:1-5; Isaiah 54:2-4; Col 1:9
  • Ask God for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.
  • Pray for the grace of God to ascend to higher heights and function maximally.
  • Pray for inspiration through God’s word; for righteousness and godly actions: Eccl. 8:4; Psalm 119:50; Luke 3:2.
  • Pray for our Pastors and all the leaders in EP; that they will operate in divine wisdom, revelation and divine enablement. Psalms 80:17; 104:4; Acts 4:29-34; Ephesians 6:19-20
  • Declare that EP will expand to the left and right and nothing will stand in our way. Declare that outstanding promises of God will be established upon our life as a ministry.
  • Pray for EP Reach Team

Day 14:
Psalm 24; Malachi 4:2; Isaiah 53:5; Jeremiah 17:14; Matt. 18:18
  • Declare that the UK and the rest world is the Lord’s. Command every ‘gate’ and ‘doors’ against the advancement of the gospel to be lifted up and removed. Declare the Lordship of Jesus over your neighbourhood.
  • Confess your healing in Jesus’ name. He is the sun of righteousness; He will rise over you with healing. Declare that you now begin to manifest the full effect of Christ as the healer in your spirit, soul and body.
  • Pray for NHS and for supernatural healing to begin to take place in our hospitals.
  • Pray for the fulfilment of Isaiah 49:17-20 in EP and in throughout the Body of Christ in UK.

 Day 15:
Isaiah 54:2-4; Deutronomy 8:18; Exodus 31:1-3; Matt. 6:24-27; Acts 9:36-42; Psalm 25: 4-5; Psalm 27:23-24; Isaiah 30:21; Jeremiah 33:1-3
  • Pray for EP as a ministry that we will stretch beyond our limits, extend beyond our barriers and maximise our God-given potentials.
  • Pray for Wisdom, Creativity & Opportunities in the area of your career, ministry and business.
  • Pray for Help & Favour | Psalms 6:12; 12:5; 31:21; 34:9-10; 105:24; Is 30:21; Prov. 16:3
  • Pray that the light of Christ will shine through you in every sphere of influence.
  • Pray for numerical growth and expansion for EP. Pray for access and resources to start Equipping Centres all over this nation. Pray to wholly commit to the vision of God in EP.
  • Pray for EP FirstPoint

 Day 16:
Isaiah 54:2-4; Isaiah 49:19-20; 60:1-3; Ezra 8:21-23; Ephesians 3:10; Luke 10:1-20
  • Ask for God's hand to be on our Pastors. Pray for the demonstration of God's power through their ministry. Ask that signs and wonders will follow their ministry and it shall be evident in the lives of EP members.
  • Pray for peace in your community and in the UK.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and the grace to maximise values, relationships, opportunities and potentials.
  • Ask the Lord to inspire you with a multi-generational vision and an enlarged network of positive influence and greatness.

Day 17:
  • Ask the Lord for revelation from God’s word: Psalm 25:4-5; 32:8; Luke 1:38; 2 Tim. 2:7-9; Ephesians 1:16-18; Col. 1:9.
  • Pray for inspiration through His word; for righteousness and godly actions: Eccl. 8:4; Psalm 119:50; Luke 3:2.
  • Pray for the renewal of your/our mind(s) mentally, spiritually, emotionally through transformation by His word: Psalm 119:133; Acts 6:7; 19:20; Romans 12:1-2; Heb. 1:3; 4:12.
  • Ask the Lord for spiritual and Numerical growth in EP (Psalm 2:8) and in the body of Christ in this land.

 Day 18:
  • Pray for the strength and boldness to confess and apply God's word to your life and situations: Psalm 119:9-17; Luke 8:15; 11:28; Mark 11:23; John 15:7-8; 1 Tim. 4:5; Ephesians. 6:17; James 1:21-23; 1 John 2:5; Proverbs 18:21; 2 Corinthians 4:13; Matthew 21:22
  • Pray for the divine manifestation of God promises in/through your life and circumstances: Numbers 23:19-21; Psalm 119:28,38,49,58,65,76,116; Psalm 107:20; 130:5; Isaiah 55:11; Rev. 12:11
  • Trust the Lord for the right skills, human connection, resources or abilities for wealth creation.
  • Pray for the Pastors and leaders in EP, that the Lord will equip them with great grace, wisdom and anointing for exploits (Is. 45:1-5). Pray for NCC Pastors and leaders.

 Day 19:
Isaiah 54:3; Deutronomy 4:36; 2 Kings 3:11;
  • Declare that enlargement becomes your family's experience daily, as declared in God's word.
  • Ask God for divine direction for EP; that we will hear God's voice clearly. That we will not hear the voice of the stranger in Jesus name, we will not be without His instruction.
  • Ask the Lord to give you a willing heart, strength and the ability and resources to support the EP vision and to support the ministry of our Pastors.
  • Trust the Lord to connect you with the right career, business, relationship.

 Day 20:
Isaiah 54:2-5; 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6; Exodus 31:1-6; 35:30-35; Psalm 89:9; Mark 4:39; Ephesians 1:18
  • Speak to every creative ability and gift inside you to begin to manifest for your enlargement. Ask for the anointing for divine creativity and expansion to come upon your life and upon EP.
  • Command every raging sea of illness in your life to be still in Jesus name. Declare the peace of God reigns and rules over your spirit, soul and body in Jesus Name.
  • Pray for the mind of Christ; to see through God’s eyes; and divine direction so that you may expressly hear God’s mind and possess your possession.

Day 21:
  • Repentance | Psalm 24:1-6; Psalm 51:1-13, Isaiah 1:18-19; 1 John 3: 4-15
  • Submission & Re-dedication | Psalm 25:4-7; Jeremiah 4:3-4
  • Transformation | Gal 5:16-26; Ephesians 1:17-19; Col 1:9-11
  • Empowerment   | Isaiah 11:2-3

Day 22:
Prov. 11:24-25; Malachi 3: 9-12; 1 Cor. 9:11-14; Matt. 5:24; Acts 20:35; Phil. 2:13; Heb. 10:16
  • Pray for wisdom and a generous attitude towards giving. Pray to wholly commit to the vision of God in EP.
  • Trust the Holy Spirit to help you this season, to be willing and to faithfully obey His instructions concerning Stewardship in every area of your life.
  • Ask the Lord to write His covenant and his laws, concerning stewardship, upon your heart and the hearts of EP members.
  • Trust the Lord for the spiritual attitude to worship Him with your resources, and not to become a slave to what HE has blessed you with.

Day 22:
Isaiah 60:1-5; Rev. 3:7; Luke 4:18-19
  • Pray that EP will become attractive; as a place to serve Jesus, a place where prayers are answered and a place to grow in the knowledge of God's truth.
  • Pray that we will be connected to opportunities to affect our communities positively
  • Pray for wisdom and creative strategies to win souls for Christ
  • Pray that our leaders will be anointed with the Breaker's anointing, to break open, to set free and to heal. Pray for Revd. Paul & Kate Jinadu
  • Pray for the leaders in the Body of Christ to be greatly discerning to the heart of God and to walk in His truth.

 Day 23:
Isaiah 5:1-3; Eccl. 2:24; Isaiah 46:10; Isaiah 42:7,16
  • Declare upon your life that you’ll expand to the left and right and nothing will stand in your way. Declare that outstanding promises of God will be established upon your life.
  • Ask God to give you a picture of His enlargement agenda for your life, relationship and family.
  • Pray that every outstanding promise of God, come to manifestation.  Declare that every gate of brass, bars of iron and every wall that the enemy has built to dam up you your outstanding blessings are destroyed.
  • That the Lord will use EP and the Church in the UK to open the eyes of the blind, and to bring out prisoners from the prison of darkness.

Day 24:
Psalm 18:19; Isaiah 45:1-3;
  • Ask the Lord to bring you out of a 'narrow' place into a 'large' place
  • Be specific in asking the Lord to open to you, doors of opportunities, divine networking and influence.
  • Pray that the Lord will bless your gifts and abilities and cause them to make way for you. Pray for revelation insight and grace for invention.
  • Pray for the Lord remove hindrances and difficulties that are not part of His plan for your life.

Day 25:
Isaiah 49:15-17; Ex.14:1-15:4; Is. 41:11-12; Psalm 19:12-13; Luke 5:1-6; Isaiah 41:13; Zechariah 4:6-9
  • Ask the Lord to remember us with compassion and have victory over the challenges of EP members and cause our abandoned dreams and visions to become revived
  • Ask the Lord to cause His word to spread through EP; grow mightily in members’ heart, prevail in their lives & circumstances and turn seekers to disciples. Acts 6:7; 19:20
  • Cause EP to be a place where prayers are answered and a place to grow in the knowledge of God's truth | 1 Kings 8:29-30
  • EP & NCC Leaders to be greatly discerning to the heart of God and to walk in His truth | Is. 11:3; 1 Chronicles 12:32; Phil. 1:9-10; James 3:17

Day 26:
Isaiah 54:2-5; 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6; Exodus 31:1-6; 35:30-35; Psalm 89:9; Mark 4:39; Ephesians 1:18
  • Pray for anyone who may be sick in EP; bind every spirit of infirmity in Jesus’ Name and by the stripes of Jesus, decree their healing.
  • Ask God to reveal to you/EP the areas of our life where He wants you/us to partner with Him.
  • Ask for grace for enlargement. Thank God for all he has done for you in the past. Ask God to deliver you from Goliath of the present and future; just as He has delivered you from lions and bears of the past.
  • Confess that the Church will prevail against the gates of the adversary.

 Day 27:
  • Invite Jesus into the events of your lives; however challenging, embarrassing or difficult things may seem right now. (John 4:46-54; Ephesians 3:20; Psalm 103; 147:3)
  • By faith, believe the Lord that your best moments are not behind you, but ahead of you. (John 2:10; Luke 8:43-44; Joel 2:25-28; Amos 9:13-15)
  • Pray for healing and restoration (Ex. 15:26; 23:25; Is. 53:4-5; John 5:1-15; Psalm 126:1)

 Day 28 & 29
  • Commit your family, ministry, career or/and possession into the Lord’s hands and trust Him for His provision and increase. (Psalms 23:1,5; 31:19; John 6:5-14; Psalms 34:4-10; Luke 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:8)
  • Believe the Lord for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, revival and restoration in areas where you have experienced instability, insecurity, confusion, stagnation or lifelessness. (Psalms 32:8; 37:19, 23,39,40; 127:1-2; John 6:16-24; 9:1-7; 11:1-45)
  • Ask the Lord to help you to surrender to His Will and purpose | Proverbs 19:21.
  • Pray that you may decrease so that Christ may increase – until He is all in all in your life | John 3:30; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:21

Day 30 & 31
Psalm 103:1-5; Psalm 100; Psalm 37:4-5; Psalm 30:21; Prov. 3:5-6
  • Give the Lord thanks for all that He has done this month. Thank Him, by faith, for answered prayers.
  • Commit next month to the Lord’s hands, asking Him for guidance, discernment and the way to go.