Wednesday 1 August 2018

August Fasting & Praying season

Praying for the Ministry (Isaiah 49):

  • Let there be an increasing release of ‘awesome things that we did not look for’ in our meetings, our ministry and our lives (Isaiah 64:3)
  • Lord, we call back your ‘Jacobs’ from the nations of the world and the uttermost end of the earth (vs 5; Ps. 2:8).
  • Give us as a light and salvation to the gentiles in this land and to nations of the world (vs 6; Isaiah 60:1)
  • We receive the increase of your favour and wisdom like 'the Spring Rain' upon the ministry and we declare a new season of favour from relevant authorities, groups and organisations (vs 23).
  • We declare a season of release, restoration and return for everything and everyone who have previously missed their ways or become prey to satanic bondage (vs 24-26)
  • Pray for an Apostolic grace to be released upon us to bless and send people out to take territories for Jesus.
  • Pray for His presence and Glory in an increasing way amongst us.

Our Members
  • Pray that they will increase in wisdom for living, in a new dimension, for wise insights, discretion, knowledge, heavenly wisdom (Luke 2:52)
  • Pray for a release and increase of God's & man's favour in our lives like the ‘Spring rain’ which brings ease, comfort, access, abundance and productivity (Luke 2:52; Prov. 16:15)
  • Pray for grace for obedience to walk in agreement with the Lord and His word (Amos 3:3)
  • Pray that our soul will escape every bondage, ensnarement or containment (Ps. 124:7; Col. 1:13)
  • Pray that we will receive the word of God with all readiness of mind and search the scriptures daily & faith level will rise (Acts 17:11-12)

 Our Leaders
  • Pray that our leaders will be sensitive and flexible to flow with whatever new thing God wants to do (Ps. 119:66; Is. 11:3; Acts 16:6)
  • Pray that our leaders will have understanding of the ways of the Spirit and will make room for God in every area of their lives.
  • Pray that the calling of our leaders shall not lack wisdom, provision, grace & helpers for service and leadership (1 Kings 4:29; 1 Chr. 12:1,23,38; Acts 10:38)
  • Pray that our leaders will be given to a desire to be radically real, and will not be concerned about reputation and ‘man-pleasing’.
  • Pray that Pastors will shepherd from the overflow, amidst the supernatural (Lk. 4:18; Ps. 89:20-25)