Wednesday 5 August 2020

New Wine!

Is 43:18-19; Matt 9:14-17; Joel 2:25-29; 2 Tim 2: 19-22; Rom 12:1-2; Phil. 3:8-10; Eph 2:10; Acts 2:1-4; 42-47; Amos 9:11

  • Thanksgiving 1 - Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for preservation of our lives since the year began and for granting us the privilege of sound health and sound mind.   Psalm 121:7-8.
  • Prayer 1 - Father, in the name of Jesus, by the power of Your Holy Spirit may I experience you in a greater dimension, leading to the emergence of a new me in the fullness of Christ. Isaiah 43:18-19
  • Prayer 2 - Father, in the name of Jesus, bring EP church to a new realm of your glory, thereby lighting up the entire neighbourhood at Gipsy Hill and beyond with your love and healing. Matthew 5:14
  • Prayer 3 - Father, In the name of Jesus, renew hopes and visions in the heart of all EP members to run the race of destiny and not faint or become weary. Isaiah 43:18
  • Thanksgiving 2 - Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for bringing the Church into the realm of New Wine from this month and beyond.
  • Prayer 4 - Father, in the name of Jesus, by the cleansing blood of Jesus wash me thoroughly to make me fit for the outpouring of your New Wine Matthew 9:17.
  • Prayer 5 - Father, in the name of Jesus, we plead the Blood of Jesus over our nation and beyond, to wash off every filthiness in the land and pour out your spirit afresh leading to massive salvation of souls. Joel 2:28,32.
  • Prayer 6 - Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to keep your words in our heart that we may flee from all appearance of evil, thereby creating a conducive environment to enjoy the refreshing of your New Wine. Psalm 119:9
  • Thanksgiving 3 - Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for answering our prayers, giving us relentless testimonies, demonstrating your faithfulness. Matthew 11:23-24
  • Prayer 7 - Father, in the name of Jesus, by the fear of the Lord, stir up holy anger within me to hate sins and iniquities, and wage war against all unrighteousness aimed at destroying my destiny and relationship with Jesus. Proverbs 8:13, 2 Timothy 2:22
  • Prayer 8 - Father, in the name of Jesus, by the word of your grace may I be transformed into a vessel unto honour fit for Your purpose, attracting souls into your kingdom. Acts 20:32, 2 Timothy 2:21
  • Prayer 9 - Father, in the name of Jesus, bring Pastor Akin Abiona into a greater grace dimension in ministry, with the demonstration of sanctification and power in holiness. Romans 1:4
  • Thanksgiving 4 - Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank You for the outpouring of Your spirit upon us, causing us to enjoy Your New Wine. Acts 3:19.
  • Prayer 10 - Father, in the name of Jesus, in your infinite mercy look upon our world and heal our land from the current Pandemic and by the power of the name of Jesus we resist any form of second wave of such diseases. 2chronicles 7:14, Nahum 1:9.
  • Prayer 11 - Father, in the name of Jesus, we pull down every evil imagination that exalt itself against Your words in our heart and we submit ourselves to the totality of your word, transform us and renew our mind to align with Your word. Romans 12:1-2
  • Prayer 12 - Father, in the name of Jesus, renew and strengthen all EP team leaders from their inner man, to remain faithful in purity and in service unto you and the Church. Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 3:16.
  • Thanksgiving 5 - Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for a newly enabled grace to fast, to pray and read the word and to enjoy your presence. 1Corinthians 15:10.
  • Prayer 13 - Father, in the name of Jesus, cause the Church, the body of Christ, to die to self-ambition and come alive in Christ and reveal the fullness of the power and glory of Christ Jesus in the church. Philippians 3:8-10.
  • Prayer 14 - Father, in the name of Jesus, restore the glorious identity of the Church, work greater sign and wonders in the church, raise the dead, heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, heal the brokenhearted and restore the joy of Your salvation unto us. Philippians 3:9, Mark 16:15-18.
  • Prayer 15 - Father, in the name of Jesus, by your power cause the Church to continue to function as the solution centre for all life challenges, sickness and diseases, thereby revealing your glory through the church. Isaiah 2:2, Micah 4:1.
  • Thanksgiving 6 - Father, we thank you for all the testimonies we’ve enjoyed thus far as a result of your faithfulness answering our prayers. Take all the glory Lord. Psalm 115:1.
  • Prayer 16 - Father, in the name of Jesus, remember all EP members today and do Your good work in us to grant us our long awaited testimonies, thereby preventing many from being weary and tired and from all unrighteous plan “B”. Ephesians 2:10
  • Prayer 17 - Father, in the name of Jesus, raise up for Yourself faithful stewards who will labour physically, spiritually, creatively, financially, intelligently etc for the advancement of Your kingdom. Ephesians 2:10, 1 Corinthians 4:2.
  • Prayer 18 - Father, in the name of Jesus, by the power of Your Holy Spirit; turn EP Church into a ‘City without walls’ as you begin to add souls to your church daily and cause them to be planted so they can Grow, Thrive and Belong Acts 2:42-47.