Monday 3 January 2022




Lev 8:10-13; Heb. 1:9; 2 Tim. 2:19-21; 1 Thess. 3:12-13; 4:1-8; 5:23-24; John 17:17; Ps. 119:9-11



  • Romans 12:1-2 | By the mercies of God, may our whole beings become living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God. 
  • May we be spiritually transformed not to be conformed to mental and emotional distractions and the emerging cultures.
  • May we be relentlessly transformed by the renewing of our mind, to prove the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. 
  • Isaiah 37:31 | Lord, teach us how to be DEEPER & STRONGER IN CONSECRATION this year!


  • Hosea 10:12 | Lord, as we wait on you, break up the fallow ground of our mind. Draw us to fresh thirst and yearning for you. Let your rain of righteousness come upon us. 
  • Malachi 3:2-4 | Lord, purify our hearts and refine them like gold and silver. Cause us to bring offerings of righteousness and cause our offerings to be acceptable to You. 
  • May we militantly lay aside every distraction and sinful nature that may hinder our spiritual walk with God.
  • As we abide in Christ, may we abound in grace for consecration and experience god’s favour in abundance.


  • Romans 8:13 | Father, in the name of Jesus, through the help of the Holy Spirit put to death all the activities of the flesh in us that produces unrighteous fruit, so that I can grow in my relationship with You
  • May we relentlessly increase in the desire to be rooted and nourished in Christ. 
  • May we walk in him, rooted, and built up in him and established in the faith, abounding in him with thanksgiving.
  • May we be filled with all the fullness of God.


  • May we become deeper & stronger in our dependency on the supernatural, more than our human effort..
  • May our prayer life and commitment to reading and growing in god’s word become more intentional.
  • May our fruitfulness be evident and increase significantly in Jesus mighty name!
  • May Christ dwell in our hearts through faith; that we, being rooted and grounded in love, may be know the love of Christ which passes knowledge. 



Psalm 125:3; Haggai 2:9; Gal 3:26; 2 Cor 5:21; Rev 12:11, Matt 15:13; 18:18; Acts 10:38; Mark 16:17-18; Phil 2:10; James 4:7


  • Father in the name of Jesus, as a seed of righteousness through Jesus Christ, we decree that every form of affliction, infirmities, emotional disabilities will be brought under our feet. 
  • We command, in the name of Jesus, every diagnosis of men that is not of God to fall flat before us now. 
  • We decree an end, in the name of the Lord Jesus, to every sceptre of wickedness conflicting with the plan of God for our life and we declare that no power of wickedness shall rest on any area of our life and sin shall not have dominion over us. 



  • We will walk each day of our lives in strength to travail in prayers and grace to prevail in victory!
  • The glory of our future will be greater than the limitations of our past.
  • We receive dominion over challenges and over the enemy, we will experience resounding victories. 
  • The power and wisdom of God’s Spirit, for effective and holy living.



  • We receive a significant revelation of the dimensions of your power, your love, your truth and glory which we had not experienced before.
  • Because we dwell in your secret place and abide under your shadow this year, we declare that—
  • No weapon of the enemy formed or fashioned against us will prosper.
  • We will trample upon all the works of the enemy this year, and nothing shall harm us or do us evil.


  • We decree Lordship of Jesus over our neighbourhoods
  • We take authority over our neighbourhoods, and we call for souls to begin to come to the Lord.
  • We decree revival over gipsy hill, over Lambeth and in all our neighborhoods and call out harvest of souls by God’s own decree, in Jesus mighty name!
  • We call out nations to begin to come into our Church/es according to Isaiah 55:5



Deut. 8:18; Isaiah 54:1-8; Isaiah 60:1-5; 62;1-7; Isaiah 48:17; 


  • Competence improvement
  • Our capacity for a productive and fulfilling life shall significantly increase.
  • Advancement in earning skills and opportunities
  • We receive grace for extraordinary creativity, achievement, and fulfilment this season. 

DAY 10

  • Grace, wisdom, and favour for the academic year.
  • We receive excellence spirit for all our students
  • We declare great grace for performance for those in schools of learning.
  • We receive great grace for cognitive excellence and performance

DAY 11

  • Because we trust in you and our hope is in you; we declare we shall be like a tree planted by the waters.
  • We will not fear, we will not be anxious, nor will we cease from yielding fruit.
  • We believe that the lord will command the blessing on us in everything that adds value to our lives and he will bless us in this land.

DAY 12

In 2022, we receive

  • Unadulterated wisdom & diligence, for honour; great opportunities, for wealth; outstanding creativity, for elevation; purposeful networking and relationships, for mental, economic, and emotional fulfilment.
  • We confess that God can do in us and through us, far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to your power that works within us.
  • Our capacity for a productive and fulfilling life shall significantly increase.


DAY 13

  • Phil. 3:13-14 | Father, bring healing into our past, so that we are free to embrace the present relationships and prepared to value the future ones.
  • Is. 43:19 | Lord, liberate us from the trophies and the troubles of the past so that—through your Spirit, we may freely live in the moment and embrace our present relationships.
  • 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 | In the name of Jesus, we cast down every imagination, and every high thing that is trying to exalt itself in our life, against the knowledge of God. We bring into captivity every thought of ungodly guilt, shame, self-condemnation, and worthlessness to the obedience of Christ.
  • Col. 3:12-14 | Father we ask YOU to shape our heart for nourishing interactions with others; that we may learn how to love, rather than simply longing to be loved. That our relationships may be enriched and empowered.
  • Pro. 4:23-27 | Father we ask that you protect our mental and emotional world and give us wisdom of how to set healthy boundaries.
  • Jer. 30:17 | Lord, restore emotional and mental health to us and heal our capacity to build lasting relationships— with YOU and with the right people you have placed in our lives.
  • Lord, may our emotional and mental health be strengthened by you lord, as we become deeper and stronger in you for our relationships.

DAY 14

‘Single & Prepared’

  • Ps. 32:8; Lord we pray that those trusting YOU for partners will be guided, be found, and be established.
  • Ps. 27:14 | Lord, for the ‘single and prepared’ among us, we pray for patience and insight to wait for a good partner. We pray that in this time of waiting, YOU will change, nourish, and equip them—so that they are empowered and prepared to take the next steps when YOUR timing is right.   
  • 1 Thess. 5:22; 2 Pet. 3:17 | May they be on their guard and not get carried away by the error of unprincipled potential partners and fall from their steadfastness.
  • Ps. 1:1-3 | May they not walk in the counsel of the ungodly or stand in the path of sinners or sit in the seat of the scornful.


  • Phil 4:13 | Lord, help us to adapt to change in 2022. When we are anxious about all that is changing at work or in our network, remind us that we can do all things through you, Jesus. Provide us the strength and wisdom we need to adapt. 
  • Lord, teach us to be flexible. Help us to see change as an opportunity for growth in our character and the skills you’ve blessed us with. 
  • Matt. 5:16 | Father, help us to build positive relationships at work and in our network. Help us to be a positive influence in the lives of people we come in contact with daily.
  • Empower us to be an encourager and bring joy to those we work with. Give us discernment for the needs of those we encounter each day. 
  • Enable us to be a good team player that others enjoy working or relating with. Help us make every effort to do what leads to peace and building others up. 
  • James 1:5 | We pray for wisdom for workplace relationship and activities. We pray for wisdom to navigate challenging situations at work and within our friendship groups. Guide us in the way that we should go. Fill us with your peace that passes understanding.


DAY 15

COUPLES | 1 Cor. 7:1-7; 1 Cor. 13; Heb. 13:4

  • Lord, we pray that you will help couples to develop spirituality together. 
  • As two flawed and complicated people who need your supernatural empowerment, help them to create an environment within their relationship where they are mutually encouraging each other in their spiritual walks. 
  • Remind them to discuss YOUR word together and spur each other into deeper intimacy with you.
  • Empower them to abstain from sexual immorality of any kind and to keep the marriage bed undefiled.
  • We pray that partners will control their bodies in holiness and honour as the temples of Your Holy Spirit. 
  • Guard them against drifting into pornography or entertainment that cheapens the holy union between husband and wife.
  • Father we pray that YOU would open the eyes of married couples to the joy of sex and sexuality, YOUR way, so that we may freely receive one another without shame or regret.
  • Help married couples not to trivialise or undervalue mutual intimacy and companionship in our marriages.
  • We pray that you will help couples to be slow to anger and rich in love for one another. Help them to be quick to forgive one another. 

DAY 16


  • Help families to dream and achieve goals together this year. 
  • We pray for revelation and wisdom for families to meaningfully envision and plan for 2022
  • Help families this year, to devise short-term and long-term goals – the milestones they hope to achieve together. 
  • Empower their minds and capacity to set realistic goals and help them with resources and capacities to achieve their goals this year. May the fulfilment of our dream be bigger than the disfunction of our shortcomings as families.
  • May parents increase in grace to model godly leadership for their children to emulate. 
  • May God's peace, joy and love fill our families this year.


DAY 17

  • Zech. 1:18—21; Is 41:15 | Lord, by your empowering grace, make us your 'Craftsmen’, bringing sustainable solution to the challenges and needs in our communities and spheres of influence.
  • Luke 4:18; Rom. 8:18—19 | Cause to us to be revealed as ‘change-agents’ in the Power of Your Spirit.
  • Gen. 41:37-38; Zech. 4:6-7; Matt.28:18-20 | We ask for the release of your enabling wisdom & might for strategic outreach and sustainable impact.
  • Jeremiah 1:9-10 | We confess our prophetic and apostolic ‘appointment’ over nations and kingdoms in SE19, in the UK and globally; to uproot, tear down, destroy and overthrow everything contrary to God’s purpose for His people. We receive grace to increase in empowered mandate to build and to establish the counsel of God wherever and to whoever HE has apportioned to us.
  • Psalm 24 | We command every satanic and Kingdom-opposing 'gates' on Berridge road estate, SE19 and neighbouring towns and inhabitants to lift their 'head' as Jesus, the King of glory is magnified in Gipsy Hill and its environs.
  • We rebuke every spirit of ‘containment’ over our life, career, ministry and over our Church (Micah 2:13)


DAY 18 | 

  • Father, in agreement with Rev. 5:12 and 2 Pet. 1:3; we ask for the manifestation of all that Christ has received from you on our behalf. Therefore, as a Church we confess that we will operate in Power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory, and blessing.
  • Acts 9:31 | We pray that the Church will walk in the fear of the Lord and the comfort & help of the Holy Spirit.
  • Ps 2:8; Micah 4:1-2; Matt. 9:37 | We ask for the resources, harvest of souls and willing Kingdom labourers.
  • We believe you for 250 membership this year.
  • Acts 9:32—42 | This season, we receive the demonstration of God's love and power through us, causing many to believe & turn to the Lord.
  • Is. 55:5 | We call the nations that we do not know to the obedience of the gospel, and we declare that the nations that do not know us shall run to us, because the Lord our God and the Holy One of Israel has glorified us.
  • Acts 2:42—47; 4:33 | We declare Equipping People shall indeed be a place to thrive, Grow and Belong in the Godkind of fellowship.


DAY 19


DAY 20 | Leaders

  • We pray for leaders in the Body of Christ to be greatly discerning to the heart of God and to walk in His truth.
  • 1 Chr. 12:32 | Like the men of Issachar, may leaders be set apart in their mind to discern the spiritual times and the seasons their members are in. May they know what to do, how and when.
  • Acts 14:3 | Lord, confirm your word of Grace in our lives/church/community—granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands. 
  • Acts 15:14 | Lord, visit the unsaved people of Gipsy Hill and our neighbourhood and take out of them a people for your name.
  • Acts 9:31 | Lord we pray, that the Church will walk in the fear of the Lord and the comfort & help of the Holy Spirit.


DAY 21