Thursday 31 March 2022

Deeper & Stronger Dominion

  • Eph. 2:4-6 | Lord, we thank you for Your great love for us. We thank you for resuscitating and saving us by grace through Christ even when we were dead in transgressions.
  • Eph. 2:6 | Thank you for raising us up with Christ and seated us with You in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.
  • Eph. 4;1-2 | Lord I ask for Holy Spirit’s enabling to walk worthy of the calling with which I was called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with others in love.
  • Heb. 12:1-2 | Father, would you enlarge our capacity to endure the race set before us, help us to focus on you, to draw strength from you and look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
  • Father, in the name of Jesus, tear down every wall of resistance we might have built; let your presence take us deeper and stronger in Relationship with our Lord and Saviour - Jesus Christ
  • Gal 5:1 | I stand firm in the liberty by which Christ has made me free, and I receive wisdom, grace, and hunger for His word; not to be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
  • Gal. 2:20 | I declare I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
  • 2 Cor 10:3-6 | Lord, through your living word, break down in our life, the stronghold of every sophisticated argument and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up in my mind or my emotions, against the true knowledge of God.
  • We receive the strength and revelation to be obedient to God’s decree and we take every thought, emotion and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ.
  • We command every sinful snare over our lives to be broken and our soul to escape like a bird out of the snare of doubt, condemnation, unbelief, or addiction. We decree, no sceptre of wickedness will rest on our life portions (Ps. 124:7; 125:3)
  • We receive the Holy Spirit’s enablement to subject our mind, our thoughts, and our flesh to the law of God (Romans 7:25).
  • We pray for the renewal of our mind(s) mentally, spiritually, emotionally through transformation by God’s word: Ps. 119:133; Acts 6:7; 19:20; Romans 12:1-2; Heb. 1:3; 4:12.
  • 1 Kings 8:29-30 | We pray that our Churches will continue to be a place where prayers are answered, where mighty signs and wonder are taking place and a place to grow in the knowledge of God's truth.
  • Proverbs 1:33 | We believe that as we listen to God’s word, we will dwell secure and we will be at ease in every area of our lives, without dread of disaster.”

Wednesday 2 March 2022


We are positioned for spiritual, emotional, and economic capacity-development and increase this month!


  • Increase in spiritual capacity for a deeper & stronger dimension of GOD yet to be experienced | Jer. 29:13, Ps. 42:1-2; Isaiah 44:3; John 7:37-39
  • Increasing capacity for Christ-like discipleship and death to desire for sensual Christianity | Rom. 5:3-4; Rom 12:1-2; 13:14; Gal. 5:22-23; Mark 8: 22-25; John 16:12-13
  • Holy Spirit to stretch our capacity to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. To enable us walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him; to be fruitful in every good work; to increase in the knowledge of God and to be strengthened to attain every kind of endurance and patience with joy | Eph. 3:14-19; Col. 1:9-12
  • Lord, increase in us the qualities for spiritual effectiveness and productivity | 2 Pet 1:3-8



Isaiah 54:2-5Gen. 18:17-18; 2 Kings 3:11; Gen. 15:1-6; Isaiah 30: 21; 40:28-31; Zech 4:7

  • Deeper and Stronger capacity to release the past, the vision to re-align our focus, the strength to renew our perspectives, and the wisdom to rightly-assign our best resources to experience change, fruitfulness, and elevation.
  • Deeper & stronger capacity for empathy, wisdom, resourcefulness, and character development at work, at home, and in relationships.
  • Deeper & Stronger capacity for creativity, tenacity, completion, and success in all purposeful endeavours.
  • Deeper & stronger capacity for excellent comprehension, understanding & application in all academic endeavours and professional courses.
  • Deeper & Stronger capacity for emotional wellness and healthy wellbeing


DAY 3-

  • Individual & Corporate Prayer points. Please send prayer points to: