Tuesday 1 November 2022

Deeper and Stronger Impact


Day 1Spiritual impact and transformation-

  • 2 Tim 2:1 – Lord, cause us to be strong and very courageous in the grace found in our Lord Christ Jesus. Help us to live an exemplary life.
  •  Rev 5: 12, Lord, we receive empowerment to operate in dominion and riches. We receive the enablement to be strong in our Christian journey with you.
  • Zech 4:7, Hag 2:4 – Our Father, we receive the grace to be strong, unapologetic and counterculture in defending the faith. Fill our life and the church with you glory.
  • John 12:24—Regenerate our hearts—as we become planted as Your seed, cause us to die to self so that we may produce fruits and harvests for righteousness, revival and life transformation.
  • John 15:4-11—Help us to wait in You and wait on You as we stand and act for You and through You.
  • Acts 4:33—We pray that with great power, we will continue to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. We ask for increase of God’s grace to be at work in us all, powerfully. Lord, help us to raise disciples for Christ.
  • Matt. 5:13-16—Lord, enable in us ‘Salt and Light’ mindset—to initiate thirst for you and your ways, to become agent of preservation in a world filled with decay, to bring out the best in others, to provide guidance and wisdom to others and to highlight Your faithfulness and righteousness wherever we go. Help us to impact our contacts with Your truth.
  • Ezek. 47:8-12—Lord, may we increase in impact—bringing about change all around us. Increase our capacity to influence communities, groups, individuals, families, systems, policies, structures & spiritual dimensions.

Day 2: Socio-emotional impact-

  •  Isaiah 11:2, Dan 6:3 – Lord, cause your excellent spirit to rest upon us so that the works of our hand might be pleasing unto you. May we walk blameless and upright in your sight and in the sight of men thus pointing them to you.
  • Dan 2:14 – Lord, we pray that with counsel and wisdom we may address difficult situation that confronts us. May we be empowered in our emotion to be self-governing.
  • Dan 2 – Lord, in every situation, help us to discern the right companions that would help us seek your counsel concerning a situation. Surround us with Godly friends.
  •  Isaiah 50:4 – Lord, you have granted us the tongue of the learned, teach and help us to bridle our tongue. Remove any form of pride & greed from our path.
  • Rev 21:8, Lord, cause us to have impact in our public sphere. 
  • Mark 6:34; John 8:7—Help us to increase in emotional intelligence. Help us to see others through your eyes and relate to them with corresponding actions.

Day 3: Economic and intellectual impact-

  • Gen 41 Lord, we pray that our skills and gifting we make room for us in this generation. May we increase in resourcefulness
  • Acts 4:34; 2 Cor. 9:8-11—Lord, increase wealth to us, not only for our needs and posterity; but to also become channels through which others experience You as Jehovah Jireh.
  • Acts 4:34; 2 Cor. 9:8-11—Lord, create and increase in us a generous spirit; to significantly and proactively become channel of blessings to others around us. Help us to think about others and about your kingdom as we think about ourselves.
  •  Zech. 1:18-19—Lord, open our eyes to the needs, the pains and the deficiencies around us. Break our hearts with what breaks Your heart—so that we may arise as your ‘craftsmen’
  • Gen. 41:37-46; 1 Sam. 17—We ask for enabling wisdom, creativity, concepts, might and abilities— for strategic and sustainable impact in marketplace and businesses. May we increase in problem-solving skills that will attract others to You.