Monday 5 December 2022

Deeper and Stronger Impact

Deeper and Stronger Mental & Emotional Impact

  • 1 Chr. 29:9 – Father, with gladness, joy and a loyal heart, we offer willingly to the Lord, our time, possession, talents and gifts. We choose to propagate the Kingdom of God.
  • 1 Chr. 29:11 – Father, we acknowledge and accept that yours is the greatness, the power and glory. We recognise and accept that the heaven & earth is yours and you rule & reign over them all.
  • 1 Chr. 29:12 – Father, grant us the mental resourcefulness and strength needed to create and retain generational wealth. Teach us how to invest, create more wealth, that we may be a blessing to our community, state, nation and the world.
  • Prov. 24:3 – Lord, increase your wisdom in us to build and establish our lives upon your word. Help us to be compassionate about others.
  • Job 1:9-10- Father in the name of Jesus, we pray that you will put a hedge of protection around us, our health, household, career and business on every side. May we begin to experience your blessing in the works of our hands. May we find favour and increase in our possession.
  • Ps. 1:2-3  – Lord, we choose to delight in your law & precept day and night. we choose to acknowledge you in all our business and economic endeavours. We pray for creative ability and problem-solving skills

Deeper and Stronger Economic Impact

  • Acts 4:34; 2 Cor. 9:8-11—Lord, increase wealth to us, not only for our needs and posterity; but to also become channels through which others experience You as Jehovah Jireh.
  • Acts 4:34; 2 Cor. 9:8-11—Lord, create and increase in us a generous spirit; to significantly and proactively become channel of blessings to others around us. Help us to think about others and about your kingdom as we think about ourselves.
  • Zech. 1:18-19—Lord, open our eyes to the needs, the pains and the deficiencies around us. Break our hearts with what breaks Your heart—so that we may arise as your ‘craftsmen’
  • Job 36:22 – Lord, teach us creativity and problem-solving skills. Help us to be demonstrate wisdom in our home, church, work and business.
  • Eph. 3:20 – Lord, show us how to understand the why; help us prioritise and compartmentalise effectively. Grant us the intelligence to known how to assign tasks and map out processes that will benefit others.

Deeper and Stronger Spiritual impact

  • Acts 10:38; Luke 4:18-19; Matt. 28:19—Lord, empower us for deeper and stronger impact. Cause your power and anointing to increase in us and upon us—to go around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil. We believe You for Your presence with us as we surrender ourselves as ‘Change agents’ to be used by You.
  •  John 12:24—Regenerate our hearts—as we become planted as Your seed, cause us to die to self so that we may produce fruits and harvests for righteousness, revival and life transformation.
  • John 15:4-11—Help us to wait in You and wait on You as we stand and act for You and through You.
  • Acts 4:33—We pray that with great power, we will continue to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.  We ask for increase of God’s grace to be at work in us all, powerfully. Lord, help us to raise disciples for Christ.
  • Prov 24:10  – Father, increase our creativity and critical thinking ability to discern and understand what we ought to do.