Wednesday 1 November 2023

The Spirit of the Lord

Day 1 | Praying for EP
  • Col. 1:9-11 | May we be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. May we walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him. May we be fruitful in every good work and may we increase in the knowledge of God. May we be strengthened with all might to God’s glorious power to attain every kind of endurance and patience with joy.
  • Luke 4:18-20 | Lord, give us a refreshing understanding of what an intimate working and walking with the Holy Spirit should be.
  • Romans 8:11 | Lord, we ask for ‘quickening’ and spiritual revival by the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.
  • 1 Cor. 2:12-14 | We ask for true spiritual revelation of the heart of the Father for this season, and a deeper relationship with the Spirit of the Lord.
  • Father, in the name of Jesus, by the power of Your Holy Spirit; turn EP Church into a ‘City without walls’ as you begin to add souls to your church daily and cause them to be planted so they can Grow, Thrive and Belong Acts 2:42-47.
  • Phil 1:10 | May we be filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, that we may approve the things that are excellent.
  • Ezekiel 37:1-10 | In our lives this year, Lord replace every dryness, inactivity, and any unproductive effort and replace with renewed commitment and strength, consistent righteousness, sustained progress, and lasting fulfilment! May every innate potential in our lives manifest maximally!
  • 2 Cor. 3:17 | We receive 'liberty' and 'freedom' in all arena of lives because of the presence of God's Spirit!

Day 2. | Praying for the Church and Leaders (Spiritual & Civil) 

  • Isaiah 45:1-3 | God’s anointing for the work committed to leaders’ hands.
  • Psalm 18:29 | We receive the Lord’s wisdom, favour, and strength for leaders to overcome hindrances and overcome obstacles.
  • Zech 4:5-9 | Power of the Lord for the Church  and leaders to overcome challenging situations.
  • 2 Cor. 3:17 | We pray for manifold experience of 'liberty' in all our churches.
  • Col. 4:13 | May they stand perfect and complete in all the will of God for their lives.
  • Is. 49:25 | God to contend with everything that contend with His purpose in the lives of His people.
  • Ps. 124:7; Col. 1:13 | Lord, cause the souls of our leaders to escape every bondage, ensnarement, or containment contrary to Your will and purpose. 
  • Acts 19:20 | Lord, let the word of God will grow mightily in the Church & prevail in members’ lives. 
  • Isaiah 2:2, Micah 4:1| Father, in the name of Jesus, by your power, empower afresh Your Church to continue to function as the solution centre for life challenges, sickness and diseases, thereby revealing your glory to our world.

Day 3 | Praying for rest of the World and missions

  • Pray for Nations of the world and ceasefire in Palestine, Niger, Sudan, and nations currently engaged in conflicts.
  • Pray for God to open “doors of ministry” for the Church to go to nations where the Gospel has not been preached yet.
  • Ask God to open up nations to EP and for us to ‘go to all nations’ near and far and preach the Gospel.