Saturday 1 September 2018

Faith, Righteousness, Possibilities in every area of my life.

Psalm 112, Jeremiah 32:27, Daniel 11:32, Hebrews 11

  • Father, build in the life of every member of EP, a perpetual tabernacle where Your Spirit will dwell; where Your glory will be revealed; where Your character will be nurtured and; where Your Kingdom will be advanced!
  • Establish the ‘Overcomers Culture’ in EP and in the lives of all the members, resulting in a kingdom-mindset, a global Christian view, righteous thinking and daily victorious living.
  • Father, bring EP and all members into a season of possibilities, a militant Kingdom faith, souls harvesting and individual and corporate blessings.
  • Lord, give EP members a heart of honour, unrepentant giving and generosity.
  • Make EP a fertile ground where every seed sown in righteousness will yield bountiful harvest
  • Father, we believe you for resounding testimonies because you are far and beyond all limits.
  • This month, we walk in righteousness, faith and possibilities, in every area of our lives.
  • Commit all the speakers and the programme this month to the Lord's hand.

  • Confess to your life:
  • Therefore, I believe, that all these blessings shall come upon me and overtake me, because i obey the voice of the Lord my God: I will be blessed in the city, in the nation, in the fruit of my body, economically in the work of my hands, as employed or as self-employed, blessed shall be my income and resources. Blessed shall I be in my movements and in my journeys. I will be victorious over challenges and over my enemies, I will experience resounding victories. The Lord will command the blessing on me in everything that adds value to my life and in all to which i set my hand, and He will bless me in this land which HE has given me and my descendants. (Deut. 28:1-9)

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