Tuesday 2 June 2020

RELENTLESS-In pursuit of God!

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" | Jer. 29:13
  • Ps. 42:1-2; Isaiah 44:3; John 7:37-39 | Lord, create in us a deeper hunger and thirst for a fresh outpouring that will lead to a deeper walk with you and greater manifestation of your will.
  • Matt. 16: 13-19 | Lord, bring us into a new shift in your grand design and heavenly dimension—where the revelation of your truth become real to us individually and corporately.
  • Jer. 30:17; Isaiah 41:18 | Lord, please restore every place in my life that has been broken or made barren by sinful or fleshly living.
  • Mark 8: 22-25 | Give us fresh Kingdom eyes to see what normal Christian living ought to be.
  • Joel 2:28; 3:18 | Lord, pour out your Spirit on us afresh and bring us into a new spiritual experience where we shall experience wave upon waves of your glory.
  • Rom. 5:3-4; 13:14; Gal. 5:22-23 | Lord, I submit to your words and the work of the holy spirit, do your work in me to produce a godly character.
  • Amos 3: 3 | Lord, help us to ‘walk’ in the same direction as You.
  • Amos 9: 11-13 | Lord, as we relentlessly walk with you in obedience and repentance—cause our ‘land’ to bring forth its increase in such richness and continuity that it is difficult to finish one cycle before the next cycle begins.
  • 2 Kings 6:16-17 | Lord, open my eyes to see into the dimensions of your power and greatness. Help me to discern spiritual issues from your perspectives than man’s.
  • John 16:12-13 | Lord, increase my spiritual capacity to receive/download your truth and nature.
  • Heb. 8:10-12 | Lord, put your laws in our mind and write them on our hearts—be our God and cause us to be Your people.
  • Lord, put to death in us the desire for sensual Christianity and increase the desire for Christ-like discipleship in us.
  • Phil 3:7-10 | Lord, bring us to the place where ONLY YOU—nothing else—matters in our lives.
  • Luke 15:20 | Lord, open my heart to the Father’s love and compassion and help me to embrace its healing power.
June Blessing over you and your children.

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