Wednesday 3 January 2024

Why should I fast?

  • Fasting is a powerful and effective part of the Christian life (Matt. 6:16).
  •  Jesus taught that we could overcome unbelief and develop faith to overcome through prayer and fasting (MK 9:29)
  •  Fasting in the biblical sense is choosing not to eat food because your spiritual hunger is so deep.
  • Through fasting, you can stand in the gap for others and command God’s deliverance and salvation over those who are oppressed or in bondage (Isaiah 58:6)
  • Helps you to humble yourself before the Lord and to discipline the flesh so that your spirit may be more tuned to God’s Spirit and voice to do His will. (Ps. 35:10)
  • Helps you to concentrate on praying and studying the Bible and to be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:30; 13:2)

What does the Bible say about fasting?

  • David described fasting as a way to humble yourself before God (Ps.35:15);
  • Daniel fasted in Daniel 9:3.
  • Required alongside corporate praying: Joel 1:14; 2 Chronicles 20:3—4
  • Esther fasted to seek the Lord and the King's favour (Esther 4:16)
  • Jesus encouraged discreet and sensible fasting in Matthew 6:16;
  • Peter fasted and prayed prior to a significant revelation in Acts 10:30;
  • Paul encouraged married people to fast, with their spouse’s understanding: 1 Cor. 7:5

Habits while Fasting

  • Caffeinated and energy drinks should be avoided if possible. They tend to leave your body craving for more of it. Drink a lot of water. Small sips from slightly warm water are good for you.
  • Fasting that is not diligently accompanied by staying away from sin, praying and studying of the Bible is nothing but a hunger strike.
  • Spend quality time praying about what new experience you desire from the Lord during this season and your expectations. (Jeremiah 33:1—3; Isaiah 30:21; Proverbs 16:3)
  • Spend time to find out what the Bible says about the prayer points you are presenting to the Lord so that when you pray, remind the Lord of what HE has said in His word concerning the situation(s) (Ps 119:49)
  • Take time to pray with Tongues (in the Holy Ghost) as frequently and if possible (Romans 8:26—27). The Holy Spirit knows your needs more than you do and as you pray with Tongues, HE will intercede with you according to the FATHER's purpose. We recommend minimum of 15—60 minutes each day.
  • Avoid trying to pass time via screen time and use of entertainment. If possible switch off from social media and entertainment while you are waiting on God in fasting and praying.

What time can I break my fast?

  • Between 3pm—6pm is fine. This is the period of the day when Jesus was on the cross and said, “It is finished.” Having been on the cross since 9am, at 3:00 pm Jesus gave up the ghost. (Luke 23:44-46) and the veil was torn in the temple so that we may receive access to the Father through Jesus Christ our mediator. 

How to pray and what to pray for when fasting?

  • More of God in your life. Increase in fruit of the Spirit and grace of Jesus in your life. Great grace this year.
  • Willing workers to come to God’s kingdom.
  • Revival in communities and churches.
  • Victory over strongholds. Your life and churches to be a place of God's power and testimonies.
  • Power of darkness over your cities, nations, neighbourhood to be broken.
  • Your loved ones to experience God's touch, power, and visitation.
  • God’s will to be done in your circumstance.
  • Unity of believers in prayer and worship
  • Faith for healing, miracles, and wonders.
  • Fresh anointing upon you and Church leaders.
  • Open visions, and angelic visitation
  • Regenerated and transformed life
  • Leaders, cities, communities, economic infrastructures, and nations.
  • Missionaries and persecuted nations.
  • Provision for your needs.

Click on the link to access 2024 Prayer points and scriptures: 

Prayer Focus & scriptures for 2024

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