Wednesday 31 August 2016

Break Out.

Theme  |  Break Out!

“The breaker goes up before them; they break out, pass through the gate and go out by it. So their king goes on before them, and the Lord at their head” Micah 2:13

The Lord has broken through my enemies before me like the breakthrough of waters.” Therefore he (David) named that place Baal Perazim (Hebrew meaning the Lord “bursts” or breaks through).           2 Samuel 5:20b

Other Scriptures to pray with:
  • Psalm 107:15-16; 
  • Acts 12:5-10; 
  • Acts 16: 25-34; 
  • Isaiah 45:1-3
  • Ps 29

 Please pray for yourself, your family, NCCS EP, NCCStreatham; NCC leaders and the Church in the UK.

  • Praise the Lord of Host for His grace in your life
  • Ask the Lord to 'break open' gates before you.
  • Declare: "I'm breaking out into purpose". "The Breaker has gone ahead of me; I break out Jesus' name". "I'm no longer restricted: the grace to break through body soul & spirit is upon me"
  • Pray for the Breaker anointing upon your life so that you may break out and become a catalyst for change in people's lives.

  • Ask the Lord to confirm His Word to 'assemble' all that HE has promised to add to EP
  • Believe the Lord for increase and growth in EP. 
  • Believe the Lord to open for us, doors of opportunity to preach the gospel.
  • Ask the Lord to manifest His 'Breaker anointing' in our individual and corporate lives.
  • Trust the Lord to break open 'gates' before His people and to lead us out into His freedom, health, fulfilment and purpose.

Isaiah 45: 1 - 3

  • Ask the Lord to strengthen you during this season.
  • Be specific in asking the Lord to open to you, doors of opportunities, divine networking and influence. 
  • Pray to experience unprecedented favour of relevant and instrumental people or organisations.
  • Pray for the Lord remove hindrances and difficulties that are not part of His plan for your life.
  • Pray for revelation insight and grace for invention. 
  • Ask the Lord to bring you out of a 'narrow' place into a 'large' place (Ps. 18:19)
  • Pray that EP will become attractive; as a place to serve Jesus, a place where prayers are answered and a place to grow in the knowledge of God's truth.
  • Pray that we will be connected to opportunities to affect our communities positively (Rev. 3:7)
  • Pray for wisdom and creative strategies to win souls for Christ
  • Pray that our leaders will be anointed with the Breaker's anointing, to break open, to set free and to heal (Luke 4:18-19)
  • Pray for our leaders to be greatly discerning to the heart of God and to walk in His truth.
  • That the Lord will use EP to open the eyes of the blind, and to bring out prisoners from the prison of darkness (Isaiah 42: 7,16)

If you would like any member of our prayerline team to pray with you, please email: or call 07904131897. 


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