Tuesday 2 August 2022

Intentional Growth.

Day 1 | Start with thanksgiving
  • Lord, we believe you that with joy, we shall continuously draw out ‘water’ of revelation, transformation & refreshing out of the ‘wells’ of our salvation experience. (Isaiah 12:3)
  • We believe that faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of God—so we declare, that we shall ’hear’ the word of God in our spirit—and our mind and body shall respond to the dictate of our spirit (Romans 10:17)
  • We believe that in our Church—our God shall destroy every demonic covering, cast over the mind of His people. He will remove the veil that cover the eyes of understanding. Our god will wipe away tears, He shall take away the reproach of His people and His hand shall rest on us.(Isaiah 25:7-10)
  • We proclaim that we are a righteous nation which keeps the Lord’s truth, therefore—the Lord will keep us in perfect peace, because we trust in Him, and our mind & spirit is focused on Him. For in our God is everlasting strength. (Isaiah 26:2-4)
  • We declare—wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of our times; salvation shall be our strength and the fear of the Lord shall be our treasure. (Isaiah 33:6)
  • We call forth ‘the ransomed’ of the Lord to begin to return with singing. Everlasting joy shall be on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness—sorrow and sighing shall flee away from them. (Isaiah 35:10)
  • We declare that we shall take root downward and bear fruit upward continually—therefore we declare we shall be ‘deeper and stronger’ in consecration, in relationship, in dominion, in capacity and in impact. (Is. 38:31)
  • To everyone who is weak, we receive power. For those who have no might, we receive increase of strength. As we wait upon the Lord, we renew our strength— we mount up with wings like eagles—as we run, we will not be weary, as we walk, we will not faint—for the Lord shall be our strength! (Isaiah 40:28-31)
  • Lord, Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength, and our redeemer” (Psalm 19:14) 
  • Lord, we receive wisdom and discipline to intentionally meditate on and conform our mind and our life to your word and precepts; that we may shape and change our worldview by your word-standard. (Ps. 119:9; Rom. 12:1-2)
  • Lord, do not let us wander from Your commandments—neither through ignorance nor by wilful disobedience. Give us undying desire to treasure and store Your word in our heart, through memorising and meditation, that we may not sin against You. (Deut. 11:18; Ps 119:11)

Day 2 | Our God, we ask for—
  • Surrender and submission to be intentionally God-focused with our time, talent, money, skills, and challenges. (Prov. 3:5-6)
  • Wisdom and love to be intentionally relationship-minded to believers and soul-fishing to non-believers. (John 1:41-43; Gal. 6:10)
  • Wisdom, creativity, might, grace and favour to intentionally seek opportunities to—transform our sphere of influence (Matt. 5:14; Isaiah 60:1-3); confront our fears (Ps 18:29; Phil 4:13); Comfort the wounded and the bruised (Luke 4:18-19); maximise our gifts & skills (Matt. 25:14-30) and serve (Matt. 20:25-27)
  • Discernment and alertness to be intentionally watchful (1 Cor. 16:13-14) in guarding our spirit (Prov. 4:23); in praying (1 Thess. 5:16-18); in memorizing and meditating on scriptures (Ps. 1:1-3; Joshua 1:8) and diligently attending physical gathering with believers (Matt. 18:20; Heb. 10:25)

Day 3 | Hosea 14:4-8
  • Lord, turn your anger away from us, heal our backsliding and enable us to receive Your love freely. (vs 4)
  • Be like the dew to us. Refresh us, body soul and spirit as we wait on you. Cause us to blossom and grow maximally—as individuals, families and as the Church—as we wait on You. Cause us to take roots downward and be more fruitful. Cause our spiritual, emotional and mental development and stability to endure. (vs. 5)
  • Lord, through us, cause Your Name, Your Love, Your forgiveness and Your Power to be more known and proclaimed in our places of influence, community and nation. Increase our willingness and desire to testify of Your goodness and greatness. (vs6)
  • Lord, let Your beauty be seen upon us through— fruit-bearing, life-transformation, soul-winning, character-development and answers to our prayers. Cause our influence and reach in communities and neighbourhood to be significant. Raise willing labourers and builders (vs 6)
  • Lord, please bring back our church members, family or/and friends who are unsaved or spiritually bankrupt to begin to return to Christ. May they be revived like grain and grow like godly vine.  We ask for passion and willingness for soul harvests appointed to us.  We believe you for greater increase in number, commitment and belonging as a Church. (vs 7)
  • Pour out your revival and your Spirit on us afresh and cause us to prioritise You above whatever had become an idol in our lives. (vs 8)

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