Tuesday 28 February 2023

Thrive in Discipleship


Isa 42:16, John 13:34-35, John 14:25, John 15:15-16, Isa 11:1-2, Isai 42:8

 Day 1 Thanksgiving

  • Heavenly father we thank you for bringing us into this new month of March. Thank you for persevering us, guiding and ordering our steps.
  • Thank you for making darkness light before us and making every crooked path straight. 
  • Give thanks to the Lord for the liberty of knowing you and being free to serve you in truth and in Spirit.
  • We bless your name for the capacity to love others, the grace to forgive and to walk in one accord.
  • Thank you the gift of your holy spirit that is teaching us all things - our heart is not troubled nor afraid in this season.
  • I am a friend God, I'm known by my Lord Jesus Christ who choose me, appoint me to go and bear fruit, and that the fruit should remain. 
  • We give thanks for Spirit of the Lord is resting upon us like never before - the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of knowledge and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
  • Behold, the former things have come to pass, all things become new - we walk in the newness of life.
 Day 2 Thrive in Surrender

Psa 51:10-11, Luke 9:23 | Luke 9:29 | Luke 14:25-30, Mark 4:19, Matt 10:34-39, Gal 2:20, Matt 28:18  
  • Father create in me a clean heart and purify us as a church – may we not be become detestable in your sight.
  • Heavenly father, as we daily deny ourselves and pick up our cross, may we experience you in a fresh new way. May our intimacy and walk with you increase.
  • Lord, if there are areas in our life that has not totally surrender to you, show us that we may start making adjustment and make room for you. Remove every darkness from our path.
  • Lord teach us how to empty ourselves before you, take away every pride, ignorant, prayerlessness, unforgiveness through the power of the holy spirit – we lay it all down at your fit.
  • Show us where to channel our prayers point, teach us how to do spiritual battle – grant us strategy to walk in victory. Enlarge our spiritual capacity.
  • As we get closer to you Lord, may our character and nature be transformed to that of Jesus.
  • We disconnect from every distraction, deceitfulness of riches and complacency – we refuse to be shallow in our walk with you.
  • We have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer us that live but Christ that lives in us - less of us and more of him.
 Day 3 Thrive in Discipleship

Deu. 11:22-24, Matt:24-26,  1 Chro 12:13, 3 John 1:2 Rev 12:11 | 2 Cor 5:15 | 1 Pet 4:2 | Col 1:18 | Phi 3:12-16 
  • Lord, help us to be diligent in keeping your commandments and to observe them carefully.
  • Through obedience to your precept, we will tread upon high places this year – we will expand socially, economically, spiritually, numerically.
  • As disciples of Christ, we walk in the truth of God’s word,  demonstrating his love as we strategically reconcile unbelievers to Christ.
  • We walk in the Spirit of discernment just like those of Issachar who understood the times and season. We are the solution the world needs.
  • We prosper in all things - spirit, soul and body.
  • We overcome this world with the blood, obedience to God's word, purity, prayer and an intimate relationship with Jesus.
  • We pray for spirit of humility to be servants in your kingdom, serving our world and showcasing Christ Jesus

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